Weight Bars and Collars for Sale – Enables you to step “into” the bar rather than standing behind it, which means you will be able to drive more weight off the floor with your hips and legs in a more upright position without the strength of your back coming into question. The hex bar is a useful tool for teaching beginners how to deadlift without the dangers of weak backs and poor flexibility getting in the way, as well as for tall athletes who struggle to deadlift conventionally. is an excellent addition to any serious strength and conditioning set-up.
How To Use The French Fitness Chrome 56″ Olympic Shrug Trap Hex Bar
**1. Setting Up**
– **Load the Bar**:
– Load the barbell with the appropriate weight plates on both sides.
**2. Starting Position**
– **Stand Inside the Bar**:
– Step into the hexagonal center of the trap bar, with your feet about shoulder-width apart.
– **Grip the Handles**:
– Bend at the hips and knees to reach down and grab the handles on either side of the bar. There are usually two sets of handles: high and low. Choose the set that suits your range of motion and exercise goals.
– **Set Your Posture**:
– Keep your back straight, chest up, and shoulders back. Engage your core to stabilize your body.
**3. Performing the Exercises**
– **Deadlifts**:
– **Lift the Bar**:
– Drive through your heels and extend your hips and knees to lift the bar while keeping your back straight. Stand up tall, keeping the bar close to your body throughout the movement.
– **Lower the Bar**:
– Reverse the movement by bending your hips and knees to lower the bar back to the ground in a controlled manner.
– **Shrugs**:
– **Lift the Bar**:
– With the bar in your hands, perform a shrugging motion by lifting your shoulders towards your ears.
– **Lower the Bar**:
– Lower your shoulders back down in a controlled motion.
– **Farmer’s Walk**:
– **Lift the Bar**:
– Lift the bar as you would in a deadlift and stand up straight.
– **Walk**:
– Begin walking forward in a straight line while maintaining good posture and core engagement. Walk for a designated distance or time Weight Bars and Collars for Sale.
**4. Breathing**
– **Inhale**:
– Breathe in as you lower the bar or prepare for the lift.
– **Exhale**:
– Breathe out as you lift the bar or perform the upward movement.
**5. Repetition and Sets**
– **Repetitions**:
– Perform 8-12 repetitions per set for deadlifts and shrugs, depending on your fitness level and goals.
– **Sets**:
– Complete 3-4 sets, resting for about 60-90 seconds between sets.
**6. Post-Workout**
– **Unload the Bar**:
– Safely unload the weight plates from the barbell.
– **Wipe Down the Bar**:
– Use a clean cloth to wipe down the handles and any areas you contacted during your workout.
**Safety Tips**
– **Proper Form**:
– Keep your back straight and avoid rounding your spine during lifts. Use your legs and hips to lift, not your lower back.
– **Controlled Movements**:
– Perform exercises with control to avoid injury. Avoid jerking or rushing through the movements.
– **Start with Lighter Weight**:
– If you’re new to using the trap bar, start with lighter weights to practice your form before increasing the load.
The French Fitness Chrome 56″ Olympic Shrug Trap Hex Bar is ideal for compound exercises that build strength in your lower body, upper back, and shoulders. By following proper form and safety guidelines, you can use this equipment effectively for a wide range of exercises.
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