French Fitness FL100 Freeweight Leverage Gym System



French Fitness FL100 Freeweight – three people can work out together in three separate stations on the French Fitness FL100 Freeweight Leverage Gym System for a thorough, effective workout. It also has thirteen back adjustments. The Pulldown Station has an upright bench with preacher curl and leg developer attachments, as well as several grip handles. Six adjustment levels, an angled shoulder pad that matches the natural angle of the shoulder, and an oversized foot platform with a non-slip surface are all included in the Hack Squat and Calf Raise Station for added support during exercise.

How To Use French Fitness FL100 Freeweight Leverage Gym System:


Key Components:

1. **Leverage Arms**: These arms provide a controlled range of motion for various exercises.

2. **Safety Stops**: These allow you to limit the range of motion for safety during heavy lifts.

How to Use the French Fitness FL100:

1. **Setup**:

– **Bench Adjustment**: Set the bench to the required angle for your exercise—flat, incline, or decline.
– **Weight Loading**: Load the appropriate weight plates onto the leverage arms.
– **Safety Stops**: Adjust the safety stops to set the range of motion, particularly important for squats and presses.

2. **Upper Body Exercises**:

– **Chest Press**:
– **Setup**: Set the bench to a flat or incline position.
– **Execution**: Lie on the bench, grip the handles, and push the leverage arms upwards. This exercise targets the chest muscles.
– **Shoulder Press**:
– **Setup**: Adjust the bench to an upright position.
– **Execution**: Sit on the bench, grip the handles at shoulder height, and press upwards to target the shoulders.
– **Rows**:
– **Setup**: Attach a handle to the low leverage arm French Fitness FL100 Freeweight.
– **Execution**: Stand or sit facing the machine, pull the handle towards you to engage the back muscles.

3. **Lower Body Exercises**:

– **Squats**:
– **Setup**: Position yourself under the leverage arm, with the bar across your shoulders.
– **Execution**: Perform a squat by bending your knees and lowering your body, then pushing back up. This exercise targets the quads, hamstrings, and glutes.
– **Leg Press**:
– **Setup**: Sit on the bench with your feet on the leverage arm platform.
– **Execution**: Push the platform away from your body, focusing on your quads and glutes.
– **Calf Raises**:
– **Setup**: Stand on the edge of the platform with the leverage arm loaded with weight.
– **Execution**: Raise your heels off the ground to engage your calf muscles.

4. **Core Exercises**:

– **Ab Crunches**:
– **Setup**: Use a handle or strap attachment.
– **Execution**: Perform crunches by pulling the handle/strap towards you, focusing on your core muscles.
– **Twists**:
– **Setup**: Attach a handle to shoulder height.
– **Execution**: Rotate your torso while holding the handle to target the oblique muscles.


– **Safety**: The leverage arms provide controlled motion, reducing injury risk.
– **Versatility**: Perform a wide variety of exercises for all major muscle groups.
– **Progressive Overload**: Easily increase resistance by adding more weight plates.

Tips for Effective Use:

– **Warm-Up**: Always warm up before starting your workout to prepare your muscles and joints.
– **Focus on Form**: Maintain proper form throughout your exercises to prevent injuries.
– **Progress Gradually**: Start with lighter weights and gradually increase as you become more comfortable with the machine.
– **Balanced Workouts**: Ensure you’re working all major muscle groups to maintain balance and symmetry in your physique.

The French Fitness FL100 Freeweight Leverage Gym System is ideal for those looking to combine the benefits of free weights with the safety of a machine. If you need further guidance on specific exercises or workout routines, feel free to ask!


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